Our team was happily surprised to find an article about the WTS Artistry Series drums in day one of the UpBeat Daily magazine at this winter's 2020 NAMM Show!
"The WTS Artistry Series drums have changed the game for drummers and retailers."

As the official publication of the NAMM Show, UpBeat Daily provides NAMM attendees with show insights, events, products, and more.

WTS Artistry Series Drums Offer Instant, Effortless Tuning
"The WTS Artistry series drums have changed the game for drummers and retailers. Featuring Welch Tuning Systems (WTS) hardware, these high-quality drums allow for instant, effortless tuning. A system of pulleys and cables brings both heads into tune with the turn of a single handle.
With up to 90% less shell-mounted hardware than any other tuning system, WTS drums produce a resonant, clear tone. The high-end hardware of these drums complements the masterfully crafted shells.
WTS (welchtuningsystems.com)" ---UpBeat Daily, January 16, 2020