WTS artists, partners, and customers have been busy getting back into the swing of things with live performances, interviews, and more!
Check out some of the highlights from the last couple of months...
Here's a NEW video from Sounds Like a Drum featuring our WTS Artistry Series drums:
We have shared many new performances from Relix Studios on the WTS YouTube channel. Here's Karina Rykman & Friends, including drummer John Morgan Kimock, live with Relix's 4/4 WTS Artistry Series™ house kit:
Enjoy the latest from the Benevento/Russo Duo live at the Relix Studio in NYC! Marco Benevento and Joe Russo (on his WTS Artistry Series™ drums!) reassemble to perform "Soba" for the series Tunes for the Tongass. Learn more and watch the show:
Watch Paris Monster give an electrifying performance of Grateful Dead's classic "I Need A Miracle" live at Relix Studio with the 4/4 WTS Artistry Series™ 5-piece house kit. Watch it here:
Check out this great interview with WTS artist Tammy Mitchell-Woods, founder of Drummergirls United, from the Drummers Education Connection! Watch it here.
Visit The 5 Spot in Nashville, Tennessee to see their WTS Artistry Series house kit in action! Check out their schedule of performances and events here.
Check out more WTS performances and artist videos here!
Want to get your hands on these revolutionary cable-tuned drums?
Demo the WTS drums at a dealer near you!

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Denver, Colorado, USA
Macomb, Michigan, USA
Madison Heights, Michigan, USA
Rockaway, New Jersey, USA
Willowick, Ohio, USA
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Wilmington, North Carolina, USA
@wtsdrums ♪ info@welchtuningsystems.com