Sounds Like a Drum's deep dive video into our WTS Artistry Series™ drums is live!

Learn How to Get Great Sounding Drums!
Sounds Like a Drum is a great resource on YouTube for any and all drummers. They are dedicated to providing tuning methods, tips, tricks, hacks, and more. With an unbiased and educational approach, they bust drum myths, address challenges of being a professional drummer today, and much more!

Quick & Easy Tuning with Welch Tuning Systems
If you’re a frequent viewer of Sounds Like a Drum, then you know how much time they spend diving into the intricacies of tuning. Recently, they spent quite a bit of time with both our 3/4 and 4/4 WTS Artistry Series shell packs exploring the Welch Tuning System™ hardware itself and the drums it’s being used with.
The most recent video, "Quick & Easy Tuning with Welch Tuning Systems" showcases how we have combined some old school concepts with modern engineering to create a set of drums that allows for effortless changes in tuning from the lowest of lows to the highest of highs.
Watch the full video here!
Quick & Easy Tuning with Welch Tuning Systems
Hosted by: Ben O’Brien Smith
Production: Ben O'Brien Smith @ Cadence Independent Media